Pace & Prosper

MAR 19 - JUN 11
Each cohort is limited to 5 participants.
Pace & Prosper
MAR 19 - JUN 11
Each cohort is limited to 5 participants.
Minimalist, Done-WITH-you, list-building ads.
I handle the techy parts in Meta's back end system.
You work on the front end parts of the ad with expert guidance.
Grow your list by 50-100+ leads a month
using small-budget, non-transactional, list-building ads.
DISTILL Mar 19 - Apr 21
During Phase One, you'll go through my process to craft gloriously distilled messaging.
You'll create your landing page & ad copy, as well as a 2-email welcome sequence with live feedback.
Meanwhile I am ...
Connecting all your systems to each other and to Meta and populating your ad audiences.
DESIGN Apr 22 - May 13
In Phase Two, you'll fine-tune and punch up your brand's visual vocabulary.
You'll create a high-converting landing page and build the image bank that we'll use in your ads.
Meanwhile I am ...
Building the scaffolding of your campaign structure and prepping your ads to run!
GROW May 14 -Jun 11
Your ads go LIVE on the first day of Phase Three - and you'll start seeing the signups roll in!
You'll get a custom spreadsheet, metrics guide, learn what to expect from & how to track your campaign.
Meanwhile I am ...
Optimizing your campaign and turning it into a streamlined machine in its first four weeks.
Enroll in Pace & Prosper for 3 Monthly Payments of $750
That's the cost of just one month of a full-scale done-FOR-you campaign.
Each P&P Cohort is limited to 5 participants.
But there's often a Catch-22. We also need clients so we can pay for those ads.
It's a tough spot where many businesses get stuck.
We want to grow faster than the glacial pace of organic posting. But not TOO fast. And not while going into debt to do it.
This is for those operating in the in-between. Culture-changing voices who want to start moving the needle - slowly and with meaning.
A low-maintenance,
hands-OFF, Meta list-
building campaign
Ad copy you'll be SO proud of PLUS 2 eye-catching ad images
An effective two-email welcome sequence
Ut Repellat Officiis
Est Velit In Nisi
Here's how Pace & Prosper lowers marketing costs for in-between businesses.
In perspective, Meta ads are not that costly. After all, you'll be spending just $10USD/day to reach more than 5,000 beautifully vetted-for-you people a week. There is literally NO other platform where you can do that!
The ads expert is the expensive part. Yup, me! And yes, you absolutely, 100% need an expert to build and run a full-scale campaign. No question.
BUT the slower, smaller-budget cadence of a Pace & Prosper campaign significantly reduces the need for an expert like me to keep it running smoothly.
You'll need to do a little maintenance and tracking once the program is over - but I SHOW you how to do it!
Are you ads-ready?
If you've got something to say and something to sell, your business needs a healthy, growing list of people who want to be there!
That said, you'll need a few things in place before starting Pace & Prosper List-builder.
A business Facebook Page and Instagram profile
A mailing list service (i.e. Mailerlite, Convertkit)
Google Drive and Google Chrome browser
Access to Canva Pro ($15/month)
$10USD/day (recommended) ad budget
Mary Ellen O'Brien, Soul Alignment Coach
115 Leads in 2 weeks, $0.72 Cost Per Lead
Dr. Amanda Kemp, Earth Wisdom | Social Justice
$1.82 Cost per Lead
Chloé Nwangwu, The Brand Scientist
Pace & Prosper might NOT be for you.
This program is very much a collaborative effort. Yeah, it's a cliché - but your results absolutely depend on your efforts here. I get DEEPLY invested in your campaign.
So let's make sure this is right for both of us!
Do you like homework? Because there's totally homework. And deadlines you can't miss.
Do you like me? I am really good at this! But look, I'm not for everyone. I speak my mind, am never short on opinions, and I don't mince words. I shoot straight from the hip and I've got an accomplished potty mouth.
Can you make the live group calls? If you're not there, you'll risk missing the aforementioned deadlines - not to mention all the fun with me! Call dates & times are at the bottom of this page.  
Can you keep it going? Your ads campaign learns with time - and gets smarter the longer it does. It's designed to keep new people coming into your ecosystem so that you end the feast-or-famine. We'll start it off with the recommended $10USD/day. And while you can reduce that when you need to, it's crucial to keep it running.
Are you clear on what you do and who you do it for? We'll be distilling your message into its most potent form. It's intense(ly fun!) work - but you'll want to start with real clarity about your why.
Are you open to my suggestions? You're hiring an expert! In this program, we'll be bringing what I do best together with what you do best. The more we trust one another, the better.
Do you have/need support? Breathe easy, I'll be handling the parts of the Meta machine that make the average person go cross-eyed. But you'll still need to be moderately capable with the technology of your systems. If you use or need tech/V.A. support, calculate that cost and how it affects your deadlines into your decision.
Do you want to build your LIST? This program is for non-transactional (no freebies, no downloads, no gimmicks) list-building. It is NOT suitable for eCommerce.
Are you expecting to learn how to build and run Meta ads campaigns? You won't learn that here. There's a (very good) reason I don't teach campaign creation and management. It's really, truly hard, and it's a full-time job.
So in this program, I handle that part! While guiding you through the parts that require your expertise - how you present yourself to the world through your ad copy and image(s).
Do you wish someone would just do all this for you? I get that. Hell, it keeps me in business! If you'd like it all done-for-you, consider my full-service campaigns.
Please read these terms & conditions - they're important!
All prices in USD
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